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System developer to e-archive

Youpal Group
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Sweden - Remote
June 13, 2024

JSON, ETL, XSLT, Pmo, Sip, XML, Lund, Developer

Work Level
Employee Type
For our client, we are currently looking for a System Developer for e-archive.

Job Description:
Develops applications/IT systems or parts of systems.

Description of competence level:
Knowledge: High knowledge in their field
Experience: 4-8 years as a consultant in the field. Serves as a role model for other consultants at a lower level.
Leadership: Can be responsible for a subarea, able to lead a smaller group
Independence: Can work independently

Background to the need:
To, during the stated period of 50%, assist in the delivery of systems to SkånEarchive's e-archive.
The assignment includes ensuring the availability, comprehensibility, and integrity of digital information, even when it is no longer accessible through the source systems. The client SkånEarchive uses R2B's software Marshal ETL/OAIS.

Assignment description:
The work will be carried out by creating and executing a Marshal model to create data packages containing an XML file + any attachments (images, scanned documents, etc.).
The data packages will be registered in the Marshal e-archive using the SIP reception client. The information will be indexed in the e-archive's index database based on defined retrieval needs for end-users.
The information will be made readable and accessible to end-users using XSLT style sheets and JSON for publication on a web portal. Any disposal rules (settings in the Marshal inventory client) will be tested and documented for later use in the disposal process. Preservation will be in formats approved by the National
Job Description
I’m looking for a good designer as partner to work together on projects, that wants to expand his knowledge into the UX/UI and product area to collaborate on medium size projects. We will start with 20 hours per week and we might extend to full time after 2-3 months. First project is on financial instruments with blockchain as backend technology.
On-site in United Arab Emirates
Have good communication skills and team working skill.
Know the principal of animation and you can create high quality prototypes.
Following design system guidelines
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